New Data Quality Specialist course based on DMBoK Framework provides essential knowledge for anyone with data quality responsibilities, as well as those preparing for CDMP certification.

Michele Valentini, CDMPMaster Data Management partner. eLearningCurve, has announced a new course, Data Quality Specialist, extending the Data Quality curriculum. The online course, delivered by CDMP Master-Level instructor, Michele Valentini, is geared towards business and IT professionals having positions, responsibilities, or a vested interest in the realm of data quality, as well as those seeking a professional CIMP or CDMP certification in data quality management.

The Data Quality Specialist course, firmly rooted in DAMA International’s Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK) framework, offers a comprehensive exploration of Data Quality concepts and practices. Commencing with an in-depth overview of the DMBOK Framework, the course strategically places data quality as a fundamental discipline within the realm of data management. It meticulously delves into an array of pivotal aspects including concepts, tools, techniques, and operational methodologies governing the domain of data quality management.

Enabling CIMP or CDMP certification

This course is an invaluable resource, catering to individuals entrusted with data quality responsibilities and those actively preparing for data quality certification. The CDMP credential ensures a grasp of universally acknowledged data quality concepts and practices outlined within the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK). On the other hand, CIMP certification signifies the culmination of extensive study and the acquisition of requisite knowledge and skills essential for becoming a highly proficient data quality practitioner. 

  • Relevance, benefits, and challenges of Data Quality
  • How to define Data Quality metrics and indicators
  • How to setup relevant tools to support your data quality management function
  • How to build a strategy to improve and maintain your data quality

The online course comprises just under 4 hours of online instruction, with students able to repeat components if required. Students can complete the course as a stand-alone package, or add it as an option in the 5-course CIMP certification curriculum. CDMP examinations are separately purchased and administered via DAMA.

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