Maximize the value of your data by making it available to emergent technologies
Data is one of your organisation's most critical assets. The more ways you can use it, the more valuable it is. Unfortunately, most data isn't used to its full potential. Data can be siloed or left behind with emergent technologies – despite the value it could bring.
A steady stream of new technology – software, systems, processing platforms, and more – enables companies to collect and store massive amounts of data, much of it in the cloud. In turn, that data is cleansed, integrated, and analyzed to fuel analytics and various types of automation to do important work.
Can you leverage legacy data?
In this way, data has become one of an organisation's most critical assets, and – like other assets – the more ways it can be leveraged, and the longer it remains useful, the more valuable it is.
But, more often than not, data is not used to its full potential. Some data is siloed in a particular system or application, and not shared widely across all the tools that could use it to answer a wide range of questions. In other cases, data is only used at a moment in time and is left behind as new technologies emerge – despite the value it could bring. Companies that value data as an asset need to safeguard against these common pitfalls to ensure their data is widely accessible and remains flexible so that regardless of what emerges on the technology market, their data can be put to good use. This white paper examines principles to help companies future proof their data.
Read on to learn how your organization can future-proof your data to maximize its value. This Precisely whitepaper explores how to:
- Break data out of siloed databases and applications
- Make the best use of data to solve the problems most important to your businesses, regardless of where they occur
- Preserve access to your data across all systems and platforms, even as new technologies emerge